Do you know you can make a lot of money on your blog? I guess this is a fantastic idea. You invest your time, effort the list continues, just to craft out a concise, productive and impressive post for your viewers. It would be a significant progress in your blogging life to turn this passion of yours into a money making channel. It’s possible to make money from your blog, read on and you will see how.
Affiliate marketing is one of the many methods bloggers and site owners use to generate revenue. In case you are not conversant with affiliate marketing, here is a step by step guide to mastering it. After signing up with an affiliate program such as Amazon,, aliexpress etc. you will receive an affiliate link which you will need to post on your blog. At any time, if someone clicks on this link and purchase a product, you will receive a certain percentage of the sales; popularly known as a commission. As simple as that. Read on to discover how.
Step 1: Setup your Blog and Add Information Rich Content.
You can set up your blog using either blogger or word press or any other hosting site or network. In case you have a blog which is already up and running ensure the post on it are up to standard. For new blogs, write enough high-quality content as it is more important. Create social media page and get it verified. Let your online presence be felt on social media, through this means; you will attract potential customers.
Step2: Find a Good Affiliate Program/Network
When starting out as an affiliate marketer, you have two choices. You either partner with an affiliate program/individual company or affiliate network. The best is partaking in both.
When you sign up with an individual company, you will be able to promote that company’s product and services. While signing up with an affiliate network imply being able to become an affiliate for any of the companies that network represents.
To be part of any affiliate program, you will have to fill an application form, the reason being that these companies or network prefer partnering with high-quality sites or blogs with original contents. Most of these networks or companies care little about traffic as long as you update your blog regularly. For effective participation, only be affiliated with companies you have personal experience with.
You can see on my blog that I promote aliexpress products because I have had some level of experience purchasing goods there. Virtually every nitch online has its unique affiliate program. You can search for them on
Step 3: Drop your Affiliate Links and Banners on your Blog.
After your account has been approved by your chosen affiliate program or network, you should be able to create affiliate links and drop on your site or blog.
There are numerous ways you can place this links on your site/blog. Below are some ideas:
- Inside a post: You might have written a post on for example 10 fast charge USB cables. You can drop your affiliate link for each USB cable type.
- You could also mention and drop your links as a recommendation for a product
- Most affiliate networks or companies provide marketers with banners. These banners can be placed on sidebars for blogs or website.
Step 4: Create a Resource Page.
One of the best methods used in building up interest is through resource pages and review post. A resource page is a list of products that your blog or site visitors are interested in. Example, top ten smartphones of 2017.
Make sure you are promoting an affiliate product, this is the aim of this strategy, and however, recommending these products is best.
Review posts are blog post written with the aim of promoting a particular product or service.
Read Also: The Insider's Guide to Blog Monetization
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